This combined program of the Parishes of Most Holy Redeemer - Nativity and Saint Brigid - Saint Emeric is intended to assist parents in fulfilling their obligation in the formation of their children in the Catholic Faith. Our children should be baptized as infants and then catechized so they are well prepared for the happy day of their first Holy Communion ideally at seven years of age and their Confirmation ideally at twelve years of age. As a part of the program, all families are expected to regularly worship with our parish communities at Sunday Mass before class begins.
For any questions and to register your children for the program please leave a message at the parish office:
[email protected]
Most Holy Redeemer - Nativity Office: 212-673-4224
Saint Brigid - Saint Emeric Office: 917-265-8059
The program typically runs from September to May. Classes are held at the Cornelia Connelly Center on East 4th Street on Sundays at 12,15pm. Before class begins, parishioners of Saint Brigid - Saint Emeric are expected to attend the Sunday 10,00am Mass at St Brigid Church and Most Holy Redeemer - Nativity Students are expected to attend the Sunday 11,00am Mass at Most Holy Redeemer Church.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is the sacrament that gives our souls the new life of sanctifying grace by which we become children of God and heirs of heaven. This is the first sacrament that we may receive. Unless we are baptized, we are forbidden to receive any other sacraments. This sacrament was instituted by Christ at His own Baptism, and commanded at His Ascension. Acts 2:38
Call the parishes offices listed above to have your infant baptized. If your child has already reached the age of reason (7 years old) enroll him in our religious education program and he will be baptized at the end of his first year of study.
Holy Eucharist
What is the Holy Eucharist?
The Holy Eucharist is a sacrament and a sacrifice in which Our Savior Jesus Christ, body and blood, soul and divinity, is contained, offered, and received under the appearances of bread and wine. Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist at the last supper the night before He died. When our Lord said, “This is My body,” the entire substance of the bread was changed into His body; and when he said “This is My blood,” the entire substance of the wine was changed into his blood. After the substance of the bread and wine had been changed, only the appearances of bread and wine remained.
Your child will receive his first Holy Communion after his first two years of study in our program.
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is the sacrament through which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way and enables us to profess our Faith as strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ. Confirmation in a very special manner brings us the Holy Spirit with His sevenfold gifts. [Acts 8:17] Any Baptized Christian may be Confirmed. Although the sacrament is not necessary for salvation, it is sinful to neglect it, as it confers many graces. By Confirmation we become soldiers of Christ, for it strengthens us in the profession of our faith. [Phil. 4:13]
We should receive the sacrament of Confirmation at the age when we pass from childhood to youth. At that period all kinds of temptations surround us, and we need special strength from God to resist them. In the early days of the Church, it was the custom to Confirm very young children. The sacrament of Confirmation is today delayed in order that the recipient may first have a basis of knowledge of the fundamentals of Faith. Even when Confirmation is administered to infants and very young children, they truly receive the sacrament. The age is a matter of discipline in a particular diocese.
Your child will be confirmed by one of our local bishops at a ceremony in the spring at the age of twelve after studying four years in our program.